Friday, 3 November 2017

Further Guidelines For Deciding On Critical Issues In Divorce Mediation

If you do these 7 things you could be heading for divorce …

UK vs Sweden alimony laws. Why the UK's spousal maintenance laws are outdated and unfair #divorce #divorcelaw

13 ????? EdmontonDivorceMediation This child looks like a suburban mother of 4 going thru a divorce. …

New Guidelines For Sensible Methods In

Tagilde Aziz says she was already pregnant when they held the south London “nikah,” a religious ceremony, at the insistence of his family. She says she hadn’t divorced her first husband at the time.  Five years later, she says they had another ceremony at the home of his uncle in the African country with a “lavish feast.” She says he is the “puppet master” behind “ferocious litigation” that she faces in the U.K. and Gibraltar. Asif Aziz, for his part, argues that “no ceremony took place at all” in Malawi. He calls the Malawi affair an excuse to obtain “a certificate of convenience” that would allow them to get a passport for a child that they had “informally adopted.” “The parties have never been married, therefore there’s no marriage to be dissolved by this court,” Richard Harrison, the lawyer representing Asif Aziz, said at a hearing Wednesday. “I mean not married as a matter of English law.” Tagilde Aziz’s lawyer declined to comment after the hearing. Calls to a lawyer for Asif Aziz wasn’t immediately returned. The case had been held in private until Wednesday’s hearing because disputes over the validity of a marriage must be in public under U.K. law. Bankers and other financial professionals are often at the center at some of the biggest U.K.

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